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Commissioned Artwork

Watercolor Painting Price List 2022

Prices for unframed, matted watercolor paintings


5” x 7” -  $150

8” x 10” - $175

11” x 14” - $200 

16” x 20” (or 12” x 24”) - $225

20” x 24” - $250


Oil Painting Price List 2022

Prices for unframed paintings on stretched canvas


11” x 14” - $350

16” x 20” (or 12” x 24”) - $375

20” x 24” - $400

24” x 30” (or 18” x 36”) - $450

30” x 40” - $550

Drawing Price List 2022

Prices for unframed, matted watercolor paintings


5” x 7” -  $75

8” x 10” - $100

11” x 14” - $125

16” x 20” (or 12” x 24”) - $150

20” x 24” - $175


Thank you for your interest!

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